
Power Rangers Pokeball in TAWOG The War Chapter 16

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Toaoflight3690's avatar

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Chapter 16, The Covert

With his blaster thrust to the sky, the commander shouts “KEN-WORM!!!!!”  The ground suddenly shakes and rumbles as a beast breaks through.  Everyone stares at it, and then at Michael.

With all eyes on him, Michael feels the uncomfortable glares.  “What?  What’d I do?”

“You just HAD to jinx us!” says Gumball.  “It IS a giant multi-headed worm, just like you said!  Although I will give you points for not mentioning the razor sharp teeth.”

Though they could not understand the words, the team knew the command had been given to attack.  The huge squirming monster makes its way toward them, slowly and carefully.

“Fall back!” says Devin.

“What?!  Are you serious?!” asks Gumball.

“We can’t make a new plan with this worm coming after us!  EVERYONE, FALL BACK!!!!”

The army runs.  While retreating, Penny shouts, “Devin, town hall!  The Ken-worm can’t chase us in there!”

“Good thinking, Penny,” says Devin.  “Everyone, to town hall, quick!”  The team follows his lead.  As they get inside, the worm keeps pursuing them but halts when it finds that the resistant army has vanished from sight.  It turns away from town hall to search.

Inside, the Rangers, Pokémon, and Tawogians catch their breath.  “Did everyone make it inside?” asks Devin.  They reply that no one was left behind.  “Good.  Man, I didn’t think Kentyth would create a creature any larger than himself.”

“That thing is a lot like a hydro worm,” says Toby.

“Tell me about it,” says Devin.

“What’s a hydro worm?” asks Gumball.

“A creature similar to the one we were just running from,” says Toby.  “It’s literally a giant multi-headed worm.”

“The Mystic Force Rangers fought one?” asks Gumball.

“Indeed,” says Toby.

“This Ken-worm could be a real problem,” says Devin, “but with our Battlizer Morphers, we’ll have twice the chance of prevailing.”

“Battlizer Morphers?” asks Toby.

“Yeah,” says Devin.  “You know, you and I are two out of twelve Red Rangers with Battlizers that grant us incredible power.  I have the Battlizer Ball to become the Firerage Ranger and you have the Fierce Dragon Morpher to become the Red Dragon Fire Ranger.  Remember?”

“Oh yeah, I remember now,” says Toby.  “Funny thing now that you mention it, the Fierce Dragon Morpher was the one thing Nick actually didn’t let me borrow.”

“What?!  Why?” asks Devin.

“He says that for some reason, Fire Heart doesn’t trust me,” says Toby.

“Well that’s just great,” says Devin with a tone of disappointment.

“Who’s Fire Heart?” asks Gumball.

“He’s a Mystic Force Dragon,” says Devin.

“Oh, cool,” says Gumball.  “Wait, why would you need a dragon to use a Battlizer Morpher?”

“Because,” says Toby, “in order to become the Red Dragon Fire Ranger, the Mystic Force Red Ranger must literally become one with Fire Heart.  And the Fierce Dragon Morpher makes that possible.”

“Whoa!” says Gumball.

“So will there be a problem if Toby doesn’t have the Fierce Dragon Morpher?” asks Penny.

“Don’t worry Penny,” says Devin, “another Red Ranger lending a hand was a surprise to us anyway.  Not having his Battlizer is a surprise to me, but I still have mine.”  He holds up his hand as if holding something.

Michael looks at Devin’s hand puzzled.  “Uh, Devin,” he says, “there’s nothing in your hand.”

“What?” says Devin as he looks at his hand in shock and around in desperation.  “My Battlizer Ball, I just had it, where is it?!  Oh no, I must’ve dropped it when we were running from the Ken-worm!”

“Well, well, well,” says Toby, “look who’s been saying I’m without a Battlizer, the guy who dropped his.”

“Hey, mine’s a lot closer to us than yours,” says Devin, “because yours is all the way back in the human world.”

“Rhy rhyperior,” says Michael’s Rhyperior, translated into “He’s got you there.”

“Oh shut up,” says Toby.

“I’m sure we can still pull through without the help of a Battlizer,” says Devin, “but even with that being said, as its chosen owner, I must have the Battlizer Ball with me at all times.”

“But how are you going get it back with the Ken-worm out there?” asks Michael.

“Even with the Ken-worm, the Kenneth Commander can’t hunt all of us at once,” says Devin.

“Are you sure about that?” asks Michael, “Have you seen the number of heads that thing has?  I mean sure they’re all attached to one body, but what about the possibility that each head is a mile or two long?”

“You know what your problem is, Michael?” asks Devin.

“What?” asks Michael.

“You focus more on the disadvantage we have than on how we can turn the situation in our favor,” says Devin.  “So unless you have something in mind that can actually help, I suggest you keep your mouth shut.”  Devin looks out the window.  “Ok, we can still make our plan here, but whatever we come up with, I’m sure we’ll get a better chance at pulling it off if we can somehow keep the Ken-worm busy.  Regis, see what you can do.”

Regirock, Regice and Registeel communicate with each other as they set off to carry out their orders.

“He’s relying on the Regis to get that worm off our backs?” asks Beki.

“Well, considering what they did to that one Kenneth Soldier, they might come up with something,” says Nicole.

“What did they do to the Soldier anyway?” asks Gumball.

“I already told you, sweetie,” says Nicole, “You’re better off not knowing.”

“Geez, even if we can get that worm off our backs,” Beki thought to herself, “if we all charge in, Kentyth will just send in his forces to slow us down.  By the time we actually make it to the shrink ray, it will probably be too late.”  Beki looks out the window and spots a giant glass building.  Slowly, but carefully, it struck her.  “Wait, I’ve got it!  Devin, come over here!”

“What is it?” asks Devin as he walks over to Beki.

“I believe I know how to turn this whole disadvantage around,” says Beki.

“Oh good, lay it on me,” says Devin.

“If most of us keep Kentyth’s army busy, one of us can make their way up to that glass building over there and take out the shrink ray.  You know, with a sniper move.”

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” says Devin.  “But it’s too risky to be a one man job.   Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, Infernape, Emboar, Delphox, Alpha Fire team, assemble!”  The Alpha Fire team gathers around Devin and Beki.  “Beki has come up with a good plan and I believe you are all up to the task.  While we cover for you, you’ll sneak into that glass building to make a sniper strike on the shrink ray.  Think you can handle that?” The whole Alpha Fire team responds in a ‘you know we can’ sort of way.

“Alright!” says Beki.  “My idea’s being carried out!”

“That’s right, Beki,” says Devin, “and since this was your idea, you’ll be leading this sniper assault team.”

“Even better!” says Beki.  “I get to lead the- wait, wait, what?”

“You heard me,” says Devin, “you’re in charge of this operation.”

“No, no, no, no, I can’t be in charge,” says Beki, “You see, the one who comes up with the plan is never the one to carry it out.”

“I’m surprised you’d pass up this opportunity,” says Devin, “considering how many times you’ve said you’re a good sniper.”

“Oh, well when you put it that way,” says Beki, “You can count on me.”

“And me,” says Gumball.

“Huh?” says Devin, turning to Gumball’s direction.

“I’m going with them,” says Gumball.

“Me too,” says Penny.

“Don’t leave me out of this,” says Nicole.

“No, no, no,” says Devin, “You’re all staying here at town hall.”

“What?” says Gumball, “But Devin-”

“No buts,” says Devin, “You’ve all been through enough already, and I don’t want you in harm’s way.”

“Devin, listen,” says Penny.  “I know this whole mess was caused by your arch enemy using Gumball’s, uh, jar thing, but you have to remember, this isn’t your world he’s attacking, it’s ours.  We need to do what we can to take our world back, even if it means taking a life-risking chance.  Please, Devin, let us go with them.

Devin is lost for words.  He looks at Nicole, the only adult Tawogian among them.

“Look, Devin,” says Nicole, “I don’t want the kids getting into any danger any more than you do, and I know you don’t want me in danger either, but they’re right.  This is our fight too.

Surprised with Nicole’s answer, Devin replies, “I guess they are.  Your world is being taken, it’s only right that you should help take it back.  Alright, you can go with them.”

“Alright!” says Gumball.

Toby taps Devin on the shoulder.  “Hey, Dev, can I tag along too?” he asks.

Devin rolls his eyes.  “Knock yourself out.”

“Booyah!” exclaimed Toby.

“Alright, Alpha Fire team, listen up,” says Devin, “Along with Beki leading this assault, Gumball, his mother Nicole, and friend Penny are tagging along.”

“Ahem,” says Toby.

“Oh brother, and Toby too,” says Devin.  “I want you all to keep a close eye on them.   Make sure they’re safe.”

“What?” says Toby, “I don’t need six fire type Pokémon watching me, I can take care of myself.”

“I was talking about Nicole and the kids,” says Devin.

“Oh,” says Toby, trying to hide his embarrassment even while wearing a helmet.

“Uh, Devin,” says Beki, “How am I gonna communicate with your fire type Pokémon?”

“Take one of your grass type Pokémon with you,” says Devin.  “Celebi for instance.”

“Oh good idea,” says Beki.  She brings out her Cherish Ball and lets out her Celebi.

“Bi bi!” says Celebi.

“Celebi, we have an assignment,” says Beki, “and I need you to translate what Devin’s Alpha Fire Team says for me.”

“Bi bi,” says Celebi with a thumb up and winks.

“Ok,” says Devin, “now you guys go out the back exit so no one sees you moving.  Wait there until I give the order to move out.”

“Got it,” says Beki as the rest of the assault team heads for the back door.  “Hey, guys, wait up.”

Devin grabs Beki’s arm before she could join the others.  “Don’t let anything happen to them,” he says in a serious, firm tone.  “Not Gumball, not Nicole, not even Penny.  Understand?”

“...Yeah, no…no problem,” says Beki.

Devin releases his grip on her and goes to join the rest of the army as she goes to join the assault team.

“You starting to feel the pressure of leadership already?” asks Toby.

“You…could say that,” replies Beki.

Devin stands on top of the front desk where everyone can see him.  Victini takes his place on Devin’s right shoulder.  “Attention Rangers and Pokémon, a new plan has been made,” says Devin.  “We will keep Kentyth’s army busy while the Sniper Assault team, who are by the back exit, take care of the shrink ray.”

“Sounds like a plan,” says Michael, “but what about your Battlizer Ball?”

“Not to worry, Michael,” answered Devin with a snap of his finger.  “Pigeot, Staraptor, Talonflame, you three fly and search around the grounds we’ve already covered.  Once you find my Battlizer Ball, bring it to me immediately.”  All three bird Pokémon nod in response.  “Now I know some of you are a bit nervous because we are fighting a type of battle we’ve never fought before, especially since we need our strongest of Pokémon to aid us.  Honestly, I’m a bit nervous myself, but we must do it.  If we don’t stop Kentyth, Dark-R will have accomplished one of his dark desires.  We can’t let that happen, ever!  We will fight and we will win.  How?  With the same power that every Ranger team before us used, unity!  Together, we can overcome any obstacle!”  The other Rangers and Pokémon cheer.  “Now when we go out those doors, Kenneth Soldiers will most likely be waiting for us.  So don’t hold back.  Crush them!  Blast them!  Pummel them to your heart’s content!  But remember this, Kentyth is mine!”  Everyone lets out another cheer.  “Now then,” Devin snaps his fingers.  Victini takes that as his signal.  He jumps off Devin’s shoulder, spins and starts glowing.  When the light Victini’s giving off fades away, Devin grabs him by the handle of his Victini Magnum form.  “Are you ready to rock?!”  Everyone gives out a loud ‘yeah’.  “Alright!  Rangers, Pokémon, move out!”  The largest group starts running to the front exit.

“That’s our cue too, right?” asks Nicole.

“Uh…yes, yes, let’s move out, everyone.”  Beki’s team makes their move as well.

Out on the front side of town hall, about a dozen Kenneth Soldiers stand looking for any sign of the Rangers.  Some of them are armed with blades while others carry blasters.  Suddenly, Michael, the first to emerge, smashes through the front door with a tuck-and-roll.  This gets the attention of the Kenneth Soldiers.

Michael stands back up facing the Soldiers.  “Eat this, slime bags!” he yells as he thrusts his fist to the ground.  His punch causes an earthquake-like wave, hurling the Soldiers a few feet off the ground.

The rest of the army attack the surprised Kenneth Soldiers.

“Move!  Move!” says Devin as he fires with his Victini Magnum.  “We must get to Chanax Incorporated!  Everyone, cover as much of the city as you can!”
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NeoNimbus526's avatar
This was very intense.